Grievance Day
8:30am - Noon - Courtroom
6:00pm - 8:00pm - Upstairs Senior Room
Town Hall Closed: Memorial Day
2:00 PM Town Hall Closing Early
TOWN OF CRAWFORD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 121 Route 302 Pine Bush, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a 2 lot ODA subdivision at the property located at 177 Stone School House Rd., designated as 22-1-77.13 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the BP district, owned by Stone Industrial LLC. Said hearing will take place on May 22, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY. For the Planning Board Linda Zwart, Chairman
TOWN OF CRAWFORD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 121 Route 302 Pine Bush, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a 2 lot subdivision at the property located on Collabar Rd., designated as 14-1-22.22 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA district, owned by the Estate of Joseph G. Distefano. Said hearing will take place on May 22, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY. For the Planning Board Linda Zwart, Chairman
May 16th, 2024, 7:00 am – 3:00 pm
May 17th and May 18th, 2024, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
FREE for Residents– 2 Permits per Household
Cars – 3 Loads Permitted
Pickup Trucks 2 Loads, Anything Larger 1 Load – Drop-off @ Sewer Treatment Plant
57 Hardenburgh Rd. Pine Bush, NY
Electronics Clean Up
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, County of Orange, State of New York, as follows:
Section 1. The title of Chapter 114, currently titled “Smoking,” of the Code of the Town of Crawford is changed to “Smoking and Vaping”.
Section 2. Section 114-2, titled “Regulation of smoking on Town property,” of Chapter 114 is amended to read as follows:
§114-2 Regulation of smoking and vaping on Town property.
It shall be unlawful to smoke any tobacco product or vape:
[Note: Subsections A and B of §114-2 are not included in this local law, because there is no change to those subsections. For your information, those subsections read as follows:
A. On Town-owned property within 50 feet of a Town-owned building or structure.
B. In a Town park or on other Town-owned property within 50 feet of a sports field or court, recreation field or court, or building or structure used for park or recreation purposes, including but not limited to playground facilities.
Section 3. This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been introduced before the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, New York, on April 18, 2024, a local law, titled “Regulation of Dumpsters,” which local law would require all dumpsters in the Town that have a capacity of 1.5 cubic yards or more, including existing dumpsters, to comply with certain requirements to assure that dumpsters are properly covered with lids, properly enclosed or screened and shielded from the view of neighbors, neighboring properties and the public, and also provides that if it is not possible for a property owner to comply with the requirements, the property owner may apply to the Planning Board to request a waiver or modification of such requirements.
A complete copy of the Introductory Local Law is available for inspection at the Clerk's Office.
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Section 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, New York, will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law on May 16, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter, at the Town Hall, 121 Route 32, Pine Bush, New York, 12566 at which time all persons interested therein shall be heard.
The Town of Crawford will make every effort to assure that the hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone requiring special assistance and/or reasonable accommodations should contact the Town Clerk.
Dated: April 18, 2024
Section 1. Legislative intent. The report of the incorporation of a village with boundaries coterminous with the boundaries of the Town of Crawford was delivered to the Secretary of State on December 28, 2023. Section 17-1720 of the state Village Law provides that a local law may be adopted providing that any fire district, fire protection district, fire alarm district or any district functioning pursuant to §186 of the state Town Law which is located wholly or partly within the boundaries of such village shall continue to function in all respects, and all officers and employees of such entity shall continue to hold their offices and exercise their powers and duties, as though such village were not incorporated. That is the intent of this local law.
Section 2. The Code of the Town of Crawford is amended by adding a new chapter, designated as Chapter 13 and titled “Continuation of Fire Districts,” to read as follows:
§13-1. The Pine Bush Fire District and Bullville Fire District shall continue to function, in all respects whatsoever, and all officers and employees of those fire districts shall continue to hold their offices and exercise their powers and duties, as though the village established pursuant to the state Village Law were not incorporated.
Section 3. Severability. If any part or provision of this local law or the application thereof to any person or circumstance be adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part or provision or application directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this local law or the application thereof to other persons or circumstances, and the Town Board hereby declares that it would have enacted this local law or the remainder thereof had such invalid application or invalid provision been apparent.
Section 4. Supersession. The Town Board hereby declares its legislative intent to supercede any provision of the state Town Law and Village Law and any other provision of law that the Town may supercede pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Law and the Constitution of the State of New York. The courts are requested to take notice of this legislative intent and apply it in the event the Town Board has failed to specify any provision of law that may require supersession. The Town Board hereby declares that it would have enacted this local law and superceded such inconsistent provision had it been apparent.
Section 5. This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
If you would like to be added to our mailing list for updates and for the upcoming season , please email Mary Licardi-DeVliegher our Community Services Director and Youth Coordinator at [email protected] or call 845-744-2029 ext. 1134
2025 Summer Camp Forms:
2025 Summer Camp - Staff Application
2025 Summer Camp - Camper Registration
Helpful Information:
What to Consider When Choosing a Summer Camp in NYS