BE IT RESOLVED that an introductory Local Law, titled “Zoning Map Amendment From R to BP-H Zoning District,” be and it hereby is introduced by Supervisor Charles Carnes before the Town Board of the Town of Crawford in the County of Orange and State of New York, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of the aforesaid proposed local law be laid upon the desk of each member of the Board, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board hold a public hearing on said proposed local law at the Town Hall, 121 Route 302, in the Town of Crawford, Pine Bush, New York at 7:00 P.M. on January 16, 2025 and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk publish or cause to be published a public notice in the official newspaper of the Town of Crawford of said public hearing at least ten (10) days prior thereto.
On a motion by Council Member Jason Muehr seconded by Council Member Angelina Jadrossich, the resolution was adopted on a vote of 5 Ayes, 0 Nays.
The Supervisor declared this resolution adopted.
Dated: January 2, 2025
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been introduced before the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, New York, on December 19, 2024, a local law titled “Car Washes In BP, BP-Hamlet and I Zoning Districts,” which local law would add ‘car washes’ as a special permit use in the BP (Business Park), BP-Hamlet (Business Park-Hamlet) and Industrial (I) zoning districts.
A complete copy of the Introductory Local Law is available for inspection at the Clerk's Office.
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Section 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, New York, will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law on January 16, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter, at the Town Hall, 121 Route 32, Pine Bush, New York, 12566 at which time all persons interested therein shall be heard.
The Town of Crawford will make every effort to assure that the hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone requiring special assistance and/or reasonable accommodations should contact the Town Clerk.
Dated: December 19, 2025
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been introduced before the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, New York, on December 16, 2024, a local law titled “Zoning Map Amendment From RA to BP Zoning District”, which local law would change the zoning district designation of certain property identified as portion of Tax Map No. 24-1-10, located off State Route 17K, from RA (Residential Agriculture) to BP (Business Park), as shown on a map on file in the Town Clerk’s office. A complete copy of the Introductory Local Law is available for inspection at the Clerk’s Office.
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Section 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, New York, will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Introductory Local Law at the Town Hall, 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, New York, on January 16, 2025, at 7:00 P.M., at which time all persons interested therein shall be heard.
Dated: December 19, 2024
TOWN OF CRAWFORD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 121 Route 302 Pine Bush, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for site plan review for an additional 8,000 sq. ft. building known as Building #6 and stormwater treatment and detention facilities reviews for overall site development at the property located at 269 Stone Schoolhouse Road, designated as 22-1-72.1 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the I district, owned by 269 Shawanga Valley LLC. Said hearing will take place on January 8, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY. For the Planning Board Linda Zwart, Chairman
TOWN OF CRAWFORD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 121 Route 302 Pine Bush, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for site plan review for Sun Common to expand an existing residential ground-mounted solar array at the property located at 200 Burlingham Road, designated as 22-1-91 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA district, owned by Thomas Dempsey, Jr. Said hearing will take place on January 8, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY. For the Planning Board Linda Zwart, Chairman
TOWN OF CRAWFORD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 121 Route 302 Pine Bush, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a change of use from antique shop to dog grooming business at the property located at One Union School Road, designated as 21-1-28.1 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the BP district, owned by Elizabeth Campbell Sloanhoffer. Said hearing will take place on January 8, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY. For the Planning Board Linda Zwart, Chairman
TOWN OF CRAWFORD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 121 Route 302 Pine Bush, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for site plan amendment to add 4 additional self-storage units (two 40 ft. x 150 ft. and two 30 ft. x 150 ft.) to an existing self-storage facility at the property located at 2883 Route 17K, designated as 24-1-92 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the BP district, owned by Persaud Enterprises LP. Said hearing will take place on January 8, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY. For the Planning Board Linda Zwart, Chairman
TOWN OF CRAWFORD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 121 Route 302 Pine Bush, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a scenic review for the addition of 4 stalls to the rear of an existing barn at the property located at 1098 Route 302, designated as 19-1-16.12 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA district, owned by Frederick Whittaker. Said hearing will take place on January 8, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY. For the Planning Board Linda Zwart, Chairman
TOWN OF CRAWFORD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 121 Route 302 Pine Bush, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a scenic review for a new 28 ft. x 36 ft. residential garage at the property located at 742 Route 302, designated as 14-1-76.2 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA district, owned by Joseph and Melanie Bruning. Said hearing will take place on January 8, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY. For the Planning Board Linda Zwart, Chairman
TOWN OF CRAWFORD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 121 Route 302 Pine Bush, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a change of use/site plan review for a light industry cannabis manufacturing facility at the property located at 269 Stone Schoolhouse Road, designated as 22-1-72.1 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the I district, owned by 269 Shawanga LLC. Said hearing will take place on January 8, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY. For the Planning Board Linda Zwart, Chairman
OC Mobile DMV - 115 State Route 302
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Crawford Town Board will hold a Re-
Organizational Meeting, Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 8:00 am at the Town Hall, 121 Route
302, Pine Bush, New York.
Jessica M. Kempter
Town Clerk
Town of Crawford 2025 Adopted Budget: View Here Town of Crawford 2021 Public Health Emergency Plan: View Here Town of Crawford 2017 Final Comprehensive Master Plan: View Here
The stated goals of the Petition for a Consolidated Town of Crawford is to establish a village with the same boundaries as the Town of Crawford in order to give the Town government greater authority, flexibility and efficiency to provide services to its residents without increasing costs by authorizing the Town government to exercise the powers of a village while continuing to operate a single government as a town. The electorate voted to establish a new village having boundaries coterminous with the Town’s boundaries and to consolidate the new village and the Town of Crawford.
The State Comptroller’s office (OSC) subsequently informed the Town’s attorney that such consolidation would create a single government and would not accomplish the goals of the petition and that incorporation of the village with coterminous boundaries alone accomplishes the goals of the petition. Therefore, having established the new village having coterminous boundaries with the Town, the goals of the petition are accomplished, and proceeding with consolidation of governments would not achieve the goals of the petition.
Since the voters approved a consolidation, the state General Municipal Law §760 requires the Town Board to prepare a consolidation plan. In order to accomplish the goals of the petition and the voters, the plan is to maintain the status quo of a village having coterminous boundaries with the Town of Crawford.
The plan, in response to each of the items set forth in General Municipal Law §760(2), is as follows:
(a) Governments. The two government entities are the Town of Crawford and Village of Crawford, which, in order to achieve the goals of the petition, shall not be consolidated.
(b) Name of Governments. Town of Crawford and Village of Crawford, to be known as the “Town of Crawford”.
(c) Rights, Duties and Obligations. The Town/Village of Crawford will be principally operated as a town. The Town of Crawford shall possess all the rights, powers, duties and obligations of a town, together with the rights and powers of a village. In the case of conflict between the rights and powers of a town and a village, the Town Board may determine which shall be applicable. If additional rights, powers or privileges are granted in the future by New York State to towns and/or villages, the Town shall have such rights and powers.
(d) Territorial Boundaries. The territorial boundaries of the entities each shall be the boundaries of the Town of Crawford.
(e) Type and/or Class. The type of the local government entities shall be a town and a village.
(f) Organization and Officials. The Town of Crawford and Village of Crawford shall remain organized as a town and shall have the same positions for officials and employees, both elected and appointed, as the Town of Crawford. The role of each elected official shall not change. Officials shall possess any additional powers of corresponding village officials, with the exception that the Town Supervisor will not possess the chief executive powers of a village mayor. If there is a conflict between the powers of a town official and corresponding village official, the Town Board shall determine which powers are applicable.
To the extent that Town officials are required to also act as Village officials, the Town Supervisor shall act as a village mayor (except the Town Supervisor shall not have the chief executive powers of a village mayor), Town Board members shall act as Village trustees, and the Town Clerk shall act as a Village clerk. There shall be no separate elections for village officials, except to the extent required, in which case the same person shall seek election for the town office and corresponding village office. There is no need for a transitional plan and the schedule for elections and appointments of officials will be retained.
(g) Costs and Savings. There will be minimal transition costs. The intention is for the government to operate more efficiently and with increased powers.
(h) Assets. The Town’s assets are set forth in its annual report, incorporated herein by reference and publicly available in the Town Clerk’s office. This plan will not affect Town or Village assets.
(i) Liabilities and Indebtedness. The Town’s liabilities and indebtedness are set forth in its annual report, incorporated herein by reference and publicly available in the Town Clerk’s office. This plan will not affect Town or Village liabilities and indebtedness.
(j) Terms of Disposition. The Town will retain its assets, liabilities and indebtedness. The Village will not have independent assets, liabilities or indebtedness.
(k) Laws, Rules and Regulations. The Town’s laws, rules, regulations, orders and the like, as may be amended from time to time, shall remain in full force and effect in the Town and Village, and shall be administered and enforced accordingly.
(l) Effective Date of Consolidation. In order to achieve the purposes and goals of the petition, there shall be no effective date of consolidation.
(m) Notice of Hearing on Plan. A public hearing on the proposed plan shall be held on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall, Route 302, Pine Bush, New York 12566.