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Theodore Thomas - Planning Board Public Hearing

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details




121 Route 302

Pine Bush, NY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a two lot subdivision for Theodore Thomas at the property located at 5320 Searsville Rd. designated as 9-1-65.1 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on September 23, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY.  


                                                                        For the Planning Board

                                                                        Linda Zwart, Chairman           

  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Frederick Chase - Planning Board Public Hearing

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details



121 Route 302

Pine Bush, NY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a two lot subdivision for Frederick Chase at the property located at 113 Comfort Trail designated as 9-3-1 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on September 23, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY.  


                                                                        For the Planning Board

                                                                        Linda Zwart, Chairman           


  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Beer World - Planning Board Public Hearing

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details



121 Route 302

Pine Bush, NY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing to amend a site plan to add an underground propane tank, filling station and water fall landscape feature at the property located at 11 Boniface Drive designated as 8-2-69.62 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the BP Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on September 23, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY.  


                                                                        For the Planning Board

                                                                        Linda Zwart, Chairman           



  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Equity Homes NY - Planning Board Public Hearing

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details



121 Route 302

Pine Bush, NY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing to amend a site plan for relocation of house, well and part of septic for Equity Homes NY II LLC at the property located at 4 Green Farms Ct. designated as 12-1-88.5 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on September 23, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY.  


                                                                        For the Planning Board

                                                                        Linda Zwart, Chairman           

  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Planning Board Meeting

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details

Planning Board Meeting

  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Electronics Recycling Day

19 Sep, 2020 AM 8:00 — 19 Sep, 2020 PM 3:00   
Event summary
Electronics Recycling Day for Town of Crawford Residents
Event details


Town of Crawford Residents

When:  Saturday, September 19, 2020 

            8:00 am – 3:00 PM


Where:             TBD


For questions call 744.2020


Bring your old computers, laptops, tablets, printers, monitors, copiers, televisions, fax machines, telephones, cell phones, audio and visual equipment, typewriters, VCRs, DVDs, etc...

Items containing Freon will cost $20



  • Time
    19 Sep, 2020 AM 8:00 — 19 Sep, 2020 PM 3:00

Town Board Meeting via ZOOM

17 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 17 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event summary
Town Board Meeting via ZOOM
Event details





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Crawford will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, December 17th, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. This meeting will be held via remote ZOOM videoconference, as described further below.

Based upon notices and health advisories issued by Federal, State, and Local officials related to the COVID-19 virus pandemic and as permitted under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order Numbers 202.1 and 202.10, the public will not be permitted to attend the public meeting in person at the Town Hall. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and hear the meeting live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the New York State Open Meetings Law, as modified by the Executive Orders. Due to public health and safety concerns, the public will not be permitted to attend at the remote locations where the Town Board members will be situated.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, to the extent practicable, the Town Board’s agenda will be made available online in advance of the meeting at www.townofcrawford.org.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes for his or her comment to be heard during the public comment session during the remote meeting can send his or her comments in advance of the meeting to [email protected] or call 845-744-2020 by no later than 4:00 PM on December 17th, 2020.  

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said meeting will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.

INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session.  You can access the Town meeting as follows: Join Zoom Meeting

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85613029414?pwd=VEx4UzJ4c3IrMHFIeUh4cEM3WFZlUT09Meeting ID:  856 1302 9414

Password: 746270


On the evening of Thursday, December 17th, 2020 several minutes before 7:00 pm log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Town Clerk’s Office 845-744-2020. 


  • Time
    17 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 17 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Bulk Clean Up

17 Sep, 2020 — 19 Sep, 2020   
Event summary
Bulk Clean Up Days
Event details



September 17th, 2020, 7:00 am – 3:00 pm

September 18th, and 19th, 2020, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

$20.00 Permit Fee – 2 Permits per Household

Cars – 3 Loads Permitted

Pickup Trucks 2 Loads, Anything Larger 1 Load – Drop-off @ Sewer Treatment Plant

57 Hardenburgh Rd. Pine Bush, NY



Saturday, September 19th, 2020  8:00am – 3:00pm



DUMPSTER #1                                                                                   DUMPSTER #4

Furniture                                                                                             Yard Waste

Mattresses                                                                                         Pallets

Luggage                                                                                               Grass Clippings

Plastic Lawn Furniture                                                                    Leaves

Screens                                                                                                                Branches

Ceramic Sinks                                                                                    Wood Chips

Toilet Bowls                                                                                        Tree Branches

Bathroom Utilities                                                                           Trunks

Garden Tools                                                                                    

Old Boxes                                                                                           

Books                                                                                                    DUMPSTER # 5

Magazines                                                                                          Metal Furniture

Toys                                                                                                       Household Metal Goods

Empty Dry Paint Cans (NO liquids, Lids Removed)             Metal Tubs

                                                                                                                Metal Tire Rims

DUMPSTER #2                                                                                   Metal Lawn Furniture



Washing Machines                                                                          ELECTRONICS RECYCLING

Dryers                                                                                                   Computers/laptops/tablets/printers/monitors

Water Heaters                                                                                  copiers/televisions/fax machines/telephones

Pressure Tanks                                                                                 cell phones/audio and visual equipment

                                                                                                                VCR’s/DVD’s, etc….

DUMPSTER #3                                                                                   AC UNITS COST $20.00

Tires up to 16” Price to be announced                                   

Heavy Duty Tires over 16” Price to be announced



NO!- 55 Gallon Drums

NO!- Wet Paint Can

NO!- Wood with Paint

NO!-Decks or Treated Lumber

NO!- Garbage

NO!- Televisions or Computers

NO!- Items w/ Coolant, Refrigerators, AC’s

NO!- Construction & Demolition Debris or Shingle


  • Time
    17 Sep, 2020 — 19 Sep, 2020

Planning Board Meeting

09 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 09 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details

Planning Board Meeting

  • Time
    09 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 09 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Labor Day - Town Hall Closed

07 Sep, 2020 — 07 Sep, 2020   
  • Time
    07 Sep, 2020 — 07 Sep, 2020
Event summary
115 State Route 302 Pine Bush, NY 12566
Event details

Speaker Conference and Sky Watch @ Senior/Community Center


  • Time
    05 Sep, 2020 — 05 Sep, 2020

Zoning Board Meeting

02 Sep, 2020 PM 7:30 — 02 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
  • Time
    02 Sep, 2020 PM 7:30 — 02 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00
Fall View of the MountainsFall View of the Mountains
Fall View of the Mountains
Main Street in Pine BushMain Street in Pine Bush
Main Street in Pine Bush




until and including March 16, 2025 when open burning of debris and brush is banned until May 14, 2025 throughout all of New York.



NOTICE IS HEREBY given that assessment inventory and valuation data is available for examination and review.  This data is the information which will be used to establish the tentative assessment roll of the Town of Crawford, which will be filed on or before May 1, 2025.  This information may be reviewed by appointment with the Town Assessor’s Office, on Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 4:00PM.  An appointment to review the assessment information may be made by telephoning the Assessor’s Office at 845-744-3721.

                                                                                    Winnie Gros, Assessor

                                                                                    Town of Crawford

Town of Crawford Supervisor Charles E. Carnes is once again pleased to announce the 2025 budget will once again be under the New York State Tax Cap. We have been under the Tax Cap every year since it was enacted. Despite high inflation and increased costs including insurance and retirement and Police services we were able to maintain a small increase in taxes of 2.975% for general services (A) and no increase in the highway rate(DA) and just a 1.81% increase in the overall rate including all budget lines and special districts. This amounts to about a $44.00 annual increase for a home with a market value of over $400,000. The Town remains one of the most financially stable Towns in Orange County and we look forward to several new exciting project in 2025.

Welcome to the Town of Crawford

Supervisor Charles E. Carnes

Welcome to the Town of Crawford website.  We are all very happy to be able to offer our residents and visitors an internet connection designed to be informative and helpful.  We hope that our website will make interaction with Town government more accessible.

On behalf of the Town of Crawford, I am pleased to present the Town’s 2020 Budget for your consideration. Despite the poor economic climate and increased costs in many areas, including unfunded mandates handed down from the state, we have continued to control costs in the areas that we can. This year, town residents will see an increase of less than 1% in their taxes. The general tax rate consisting of the Highway and most other departments continues to be under the New York State Property Tax Cap for the 8th consecutive year.

This was accomplished without layoffs or decreases in services to the public. Police funding was increased as well as services to both the youth and the seniors of our community. The Town has been recognized by the Pine Bush School District and the County of Orange as providing outstanding youth services and our facilities are known and used extensively by our local sports programs.

During 2019, events that support our local business owners have continued to grow and several new shops and restaurants have opened within our town. Our beautiful walking trail expansion was completed and new equipment for the highway department was purchased. I would like to take this time to thank the many employees who worked this past year with us to find ways to save money and be more efficient while maintaining services to our residents.

Fall view of TreesFor 2020 the Town is pleased to announce the continuation of several projects including the expansion of sidewalks down State Route 52 as well as the revitalization of the Bullville area of our Town.

I would like to express my thanks to the Town Board for all their support and hard work to make our Town a great place to work and live and for continuing to keep it affordable in these difficult economic times. Lastly, I would like to thank you, the Town of Crawford taxpayers for all of your input and support. This town continues to be great place to live and raise a family because of the community we have formed together. As always feel free to call my office at any time with suggestions and ideas or attend any one of our board meetings.

2024 Final Assessment Roll