Upcoming Events

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Building Department

Inspections for work completed are normally done between 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM.

911 Regulations
The Town of Crawford now requires that a post be placed at the end of each driveway with the 911 number or street address on it. Please contact the Building Department for a copy of the specifications.

Permit Requirements
Building permits are needed for anything built. Examples are: dwellings, garages, additions, decks, porches, pools, sheds, etc. A fee will be charged. Applications can be picked up at Town Hall Mon-Fri 8:30-4:00.

Permits are required for yard sales. No fee is required.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors
A New York State law has just been passed that all dwellings must have at least one carbon monoxide detector in place before the bedroom of the first floor.

Unregistered Vehicles
No unregistered vehicles are allowed on any property in any zone.

Crawford Sign Law
It’s that time of the year where yard sales and social events are abundant. PLEASE NOTE: that pursuant to section §137-17 Town of Crawford Code, a permit(s) is required for ALL signage. Signs are to be placed ONLY on the property where you conduct business. It is prohibited to put signs on utility poles, street signs, traffic devices, etc.

Property Maintenance
Pursuant to section §68-5 of the Town of Crawford Code, it is the responsibility of the owner or occupant of every parcel to maintain the grass/weeds on their property. Failure to maintain property will result in the Town charging the property owner for all expenses incurred.

Lawns must be trimmed along sidewalks.

The property owner is responsible for their sidewalk snow removal.