Upcoming Events

Theodore Thomas - Planning Board Public Hearing

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details




121 Route 302

Pine Bush, NY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a two lot subdivision for Theodore Thomas at the property located at 5320 Searsville Rd. designated as 9-1-65.1 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on September 23, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY.  


                                                                        For the Planning Board

                                                                        Linda Zwart, Chairman           

  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Frederick Chase - Planning Board Public Hearing

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details



121 Route 302

Pine Bush, NY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a two lot subdivision for Frederick Chase at the property located at 113 Comfort Trail designated as 9-3-1 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on September 23, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY.  


                                                                        For the Planning Board

                                                                        Linda Zwart, Chairman           


  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Beer World - Planning Board Public Hearing

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details



121 Route 302

Pine Bush, NY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing to amend a site plan to add an underground propane tank, filling station and water fall landscape feature at the property located at 11 Boniface Drive designated as 8-2-69.62 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the BP Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on September 23, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY.  


                                                                        For the Planning Board

                                                                        Linda Zwart, Chairman           



  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Equity Homes NY - Planning Board Public Hearing

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details



121 Route 302

Pine Bush, NY


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing to amend a site plan for relocation of house, well and part of septic for Equity Homes NY II LLC at the property located at 4 Green Farms Ct. designated as 12-1-88.5 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on September 23, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY.  


                                                                        For the Planning Board

                                                                        Linda Zwart, Chairman           

  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Planning Board Meeting

23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details

Planning Board Meeting

  • Time
    23 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 23 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Electronics Recycling Day

19 Sep, 2020 AM 8:00 — 19 Sep, 2020 PM 3:00   
Event summary
Electronics Recycling Day for Town of Crawford Residents
Event details


Town of Crawford Residents

When:  Saturday, September 19, 2020 

            8:00 am – 3:00 PM


Where:             TBD


For questions call 744.2020


Bring your old computers, laptops, tablets, printers, monitors, copiers, televisions, fax machines, telephones, cell phones, audio and visual equipment, typewriters, VCRs, DVDs, etc...

Items containing Freon will cost $20



  • Time
    19 Sep, 2020 AM 8:00 — 19 Sep, 2020 PM 3:00

Town Board Meeting via ZOOM

17 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 17 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event summary
Town Board Meeting via ZOOM
Event details





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Crawford will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, December 17th, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. This meeting will be held via remote ZOOM videoconference, as described further below.

Based upon notices and health advisories issued by Federal, State, and Local officials related to the COVID-19 virus pandemic and as permitted under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order Numbers 202.1 and 202.10, the public will not be permitted to attend the public meeting in person at the Town Hall. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and hear the meeting live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the New York State Open Meetings Law, as modified by the Executive Orders. Due to public health and safety concerns, the public will not be permitted to attend at the remote locations where the Town Board members will be situated.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, to the extent practicable, the Town Board’s agenda will be made available online in advance of the meeting at www.townofcrawford.org.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes for his or her comment to be heard during the public comment session during the remote meeting can send his or her comments in advance of the meeting to townclerk@townofcrawford.org or call 845-744-2020 by no later than 4:00 PM on December 17th, 2020.  

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said meeting will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.

INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session.  You can access the Town meeting as follows: Join Zoom Meeting

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85613029414?pwd=VEx4UzJ4c3IrMHFIeUh4cEM3WFZlUT09Meeting ID:  856 1302 9414

Password: 746270


On the evening of Thursday, December 17th, 2020 several minutes before 7:00 pm log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Town Clerk’s Office 845-744-2020. 


  • Time
    17 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 17 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Bulk Clean Up

17 Sep, 2020 — 19 Sep, 2020   
Event summary
Bulk Clean Up Days
Event details



September 17th, 2020, 7:00 am – 3:00 pm

September 18th, and 19th, 2020, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

$20.00 Permit Fee – 2 Permits per Household

Cars – 3 Loads Permitted

Pickup Trucks 2 Loads, Anything Larger 1 Load – Drop-off @ Sewer Treatment Plant

57 Hardenburgh Rd. Pine Bush, NY



Saturday, September 19th, 2020  8:00am – 3:00pm



DUMPSTER #1                                                                                   DUMPSTER #4

Furniture                                                                                             Yard Waste

Mattresses                                                                                         Pallets

Luggage                                                                                               Grass Clippings

Plastic Lawn Furniture                                                                    Leaves

Screens                                                                                                                Branches

Ceramic Sinks                                                                                    Wood Chips

Toilet Bowls                                                                                        Tree Branches

Bathroom Utilities                                                                           Trunks

Garden Tools                                                                                    

Old Boxes                                                                                           

Books                                                                                                    DUMPSTER # 5

Magazines                                                                                          Metal Furniture

Toys                                                                                                       Household Metal Goods

Empty Dry Paint Cans (NO liquids, Lids Removed)             Metal Tubs

                                                                                                                Metal Tire Rims

DUMPSTER #2                                                                                   Metal Lawn Furniture



Washing Machines                                                                          ELECTRONICS RECYCLING

Dryers                                                                                                   Computers/laptops/tablets/printers/monitors

Water Heaters                                                                                  copiers/televisions/fax machines/telephones

Pressure Tanks                                                                                 cell phones/audio and visual equipment

                                                                                                                VCR’s/DVD’s, etc….

DUMPSTER #3                                                                                   AC UNITS COST $20.00

Tires up to 16” Price to be announced                                   

Heavy Duty Tires over 16” Price to be announced



NO!- 55 Gallon Drums

NO!- Wet Paint Can

NO!- Wood with Paint

NO!-Decks or Treated Lumber

NO!- Garbage

NO!- Televisions or Computers

NO!- Items w/ Coolant, Refrigerators, AC’s

NO!- Construction & Demolition Debris or Shingle


  • Time
    17 Sep, 2020 — 19 Sep, 2020

Planning Board Meeting

09 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 09 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details

Planning Board Meeting

  • Time
    09 Sep, 2020 PM 7:00 — 09 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Labor Day - Town Hall Closed

07 Sep, 2020 — 07 Sep, 2020   
  • Time
    07 Sep, 2020 — 07 Sep, 2020
Event summary
115 State Route 302 Pine Bush, NY 12566
Event details

Speaker Conference and Sky Watch @ Senior/Community Center


  • Time
    05 Sep, 2020 — 05 Sep, 2020

Zoning Board Meeting

02 Sep, 2020 PM 7:30 — 02 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00   
  • Time
    02 Sep, 2020 PM 7:30 — 02 Sep, 2020 PM 9:00

Highway Department

View of Truck in front of Highway Department BuildingOur Highway Department is responsible for the year-round maintenance of all town roads. They can be seen repairing road ways, trimming road side tree lines and plowing snow.

Please show all of our Highway Department driving courtesy for everyone's safety!


Highway Department Hours:

Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 3pm
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 2pm

Spring/Summer Highway Department Hours:

Effective from mid April until the first Monday after Labor Day
Monday - Thursday, 6am - 4pm, closed Friday.
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8am - 3:30pm, closed Friday.

Snow Days Are Fun! Let's Keep Our Kids Safe

As we approach the winter season we would like to make aware that nothing is more tragic than a child being hit by a snowplow!  Snow tunnels in road side snow banks will be destroyed by the Highway workers!  They are extremely dangerous, as plow drivers cannot see children playing inside them.  Please warn children of the dangers of building them near roadways. Kids of all ages love snow! We want everyone to have a fun, but safe winter season.

Please remember that cars should not be parked on any Town road during a Winter Storm.  Parked vehicles obstruct snow plowing operations and the vehicles may be damaged by the plows.

Mailboxes Damaged During Snow Removal

During and after significant snow storms, the Highway Department, in the course of plowing, receives phone calls regarding damage to mailboxes, either from snow plows directly or from the force of snow being thrown by the plows. If such damage is indeed caused by snow removal, It is not done intentionally but is an unfortunate consequence of snow removal.

As far as the Highway Department replacing damaged mailboxes, it must be pointed out that there is no statutory or legal authority which grants a property owner or resident along a public highway any right to place a mailbox in a highway right-of-way. That the mailbox is on town, county or state right-of-way is a courtesy to the postal service. Thus, when the necessity of keeping highways open, conflicts with the individuals reception of the mail, the latter must stand aside. The owner might even be compelled to remove the box under Highway Law #319.

From past experience, we have found that plastic mail boxes do not withstand the abuse of snow from the plows hitting them and are not recommended. Please check your mailbox for possible repairs. If your mailbox is damaged because of a rotten post or rusted box, the town will not repair it. As a courtesy, the Highway Department will place a temporary box so that a resident can receive mail if their box is damaged by the plow, but we will not replace any fancy mailbox or box. Mailbox posts with fancy supports are not recommended as they stick down under the box and give the wing plow something to get hold of. A standard metal mailbox mounted directly on top of a treated 4x4 post placed 41"-45" high to the bottom of the mailbox is the most cost effective and best solution to maintaining your mailbox during the winter seasons.  If your mailbox is knocked down during the winter season we recommend the temporary use of a 4x4 wooden post and a metal mailbox cemented into a 5 gallon bucket.  This will allow movement of the mailbox out of the town right of way during inclement weather.

Highway Department Crew
Highway Department Crew

According to Town of Crawford Code and Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1219

Section 115-7 Depositing snow and ice in streets prohibited.   No person, firm or corporation shall deposit, throw, place or strew nor shall any person, firm or corporation cause to be deposited, thrown, placed or strewn any snow or ice upon any street, avenue or roadway within the Town.

Section 115-8 Piling snow on streets or private land; visual obstructions.   
A. No person, firm or corporation shall pile, gather up, plow up or in any way force any snow or ice upon any street, avenue or roadway onto any other street, avenue or roadway within the Town. 

B. No person, firm or corporation shall pile, gather up, plow or in any way force any snow or ice upon any terrace or parcel of land within six feet of any street, avenue or roadway in such a manner as to cause the height of the snow and ice so piled, gathered, plowed or forced to exceed three feet six inches in height above the existing natural grade of said terrace or parcel of land within six feet of said street, except that it shall be unlawful to cover a fire hydrant with snow or ice. 

C. Any person, firm or corporation piling, gathering or plowing up snow or ice on any public street, avenue or roadway or to an excess height, as indicated in Subsection B, shall forthwith remove the same at his or its expense, upon the request of the Town

Section 115-9 Snow emergencies 
A. There is hereby declared to exist in the Town an emergency by reason of a heavy snowstorm whenever snow falls during any period of 24 hours or less to a depth of 2-1/2 inches or more, in that such storm constitutes a serious public hazard impairing transportation, the movement of food and fuel supplies, medical care, fire, health and police protection and other vital facilities of the Town.  Such an emergency is declared to continue for a period of 24 hours or until such earlier time as snowplowing operations have been declared completed by the Highway Superintendent. 

B. Whenever, such an emergency exists and the Highway Superintendent shall have caused announcement thereof to be made by the local radio station, whose normal operating range covers the Town, it shall be unlawful for any person to park or suffer to be parked any vehicle of any kind or description between the hours of 9:00pm and 6:00am, inclusive, upon any street, avenue or roadway in the Town, provided that vehicles may be parked for a period of time not longer than three minutes for actual loading of passengers or 30 minutes for actual loading or unloading of property, provided further that no other ordinance or local law restricting parking as to place or time is violated thereby.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  I have a dead tree in my yard.  Who is responsible for cutting and hauling it?
A:  The Highway Department is responsible if it is the town right-of-way (within 25 feet from the center of the road).  Otherwise, you are responsible for the tree.  We do not remove trees unless they are a hazard to the roadway.  We also do not remove trees that have grown into utility wires. You will need to contact your utility company first.

Q: Who is responsible for the removal of dead animals? 
A:  The Highway Department will remove the dead animal if it is in/within a Town maintained road. Dead animals on State or County Roads should be referred to the appropriate agency.

Q:  When are you going to plow my road? 
A:  We have 78 miles of road to salt and plow.  Our plow routes take approximately 3.5 – 4 hours to complete.  Your road will be addressed sometime during each plow run.

Q:  Who fixes potholes and road damage? 
A: The Highway Department is responsible as long as it is a Town maintained road.  Any State or County Road should be referred to the appropriate agency.


Children enjoying Touch-a-Truck


The entire Highway Department would like to express their sincere thanks to all of you who stopped to visit us at the Fall Harvest Festival.  We introduced Touch-A-Truck for the first time in 2012 and enjoyed our visits by both Little and Big Kids.  This year we had the pleasure of meeting more of our little wonders as well as those who returned, another year older and even more intrigued.

Knowledge is a wonderful gift and we want to provide the opportunity for kids of all ages to learn that their passion for TRUCKS doesn't have to stop at High School.  Whether repairing or operating equipment it's a great privilege knowing that you are working within your own community and making  a difference.  This is the next generation of Machine Operators. Why not let them know how rewarding being a Machine Operator can be!