Upcoming Events


27 May, 2020 PM 7:00 — 27 May, 2020 PM 7:00   
Event summary
PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING - for Anthony Kilian/EZ Liner for a special use permit and site plan review to add an additional 9,000 sq. ft. storage unit to existing storage units at the property located at 2858 Rte. 17K designated as 24-1-28.2 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the BP Zoning District
Event details




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for Anthony Kilian/EZ Liner for a special use permit and site plan review to add an additional 9,000 sq. ft. storage unit to existing storage units at the property located at 2858 Rte. 17K designated as 24-1-28.2 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the BP Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on May 27, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. To the extent practicable, documents will be available with the meeting agenda on the town website at www.townofcrawford.org.

Based upon notices and health advisories issued by Federal, State, and Local officials related to the COVID-19 virus pandemic and Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order Numbers 202.1 and 202.10, the public is not permitted to attend the public meeting in person at the Town Hall. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and hear the remote meeting live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the Executive Orders.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes to be heard during any public hearing conducted within the remote meeting can send his or her comments (1) in advance of the meeting no later than 12:30 PM on May 27, 2020 to [email protected] or call (845) 744-6454 or (2) during the relevant portions of the remote meeting through the ZOOM videoconference meeting “Chat” function.  In the event the oral hearing is closed at the virtual meeting, the hearing will be left open for written comments via email to the above email for five (5) business days after the close of the virtual oral hearing. Applicants and/or their representative must be present on the Zoom videoconference when the meeting starts and be prepared to make a presentation via the Zoom videoconference. All materials to be used and/or referenced must be submitted ahead of time to the Clerk.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said meeting will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.

INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session as follows:

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88047764257?pwd=dW1XUWRhcXVKekIyOG9vcC9pektOUT09

Meeting ID: 880 4776 4257

Password: 968890

On the evening of May 27, several minutes before 7:00 pm, log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. The ZOOM chat function will be available during the meeting so the public may provide comments. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Planning Board Office at (845) 744-6454.

TO LISTEN TO THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you prefer to listen to the meeting, please use the dial in instructions below:

Dial-in: 1-929-436-2866         
Meeting ID: 880 4776 4257
Password: 968890

  • Time
    27 May, 2020 PM 7:00 — 27 May, 2020 PM 7:00


27 May, 2020 PM 7:00 — 27 May, 2020 PM 10:00   
Event details




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing for a special use permit and site plan review by Farmhood Fields LLC for a bed and breakfast for the property located at 101 Burlingham Rd., Pine Bush, NY, designated as 18-1-68.22 & 18-3-11.12 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the RA Zoning District. Said hearing will take place on May 27, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. To the extent practicable, documents will be available with the meeting agenda on the town website at www.townofcrawford.org.

Based upon notices and health advisories issued by Federal, State, and Local officials related to the COVID-19 virus pandemic and Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order Numbers 202.1 and 202.10, the public is not permitted to attend the public meeting in person at the Town Hall. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and hear the remote meeting live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the Executive Orders.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes to be heard during any public hearing conducted within the remote meeting can send his or her comments (1) in advance of the meeting no later than 12:30 PM on May 27, 2020 to [email protected] or call (845) 744-6454 or (2) during the relevant portions of the remote meeting through the ZOOM videoconference meeting “Chat” function.  In the event the oral hearing is closed at the virtual meeting, the hearing will be left open for written comments via email to the above email for five (5) business days after the close of the virtual oral hearing. Applicants and/or their representative must be present on the Zoom videoconference when the meeting starts and be prepared to make a presentation via the Zoom videoconference. All materials to be used and/or referenced must be submitted ahead of time to the Clerk.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said meeting will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.

INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session as follows:

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88047764257?pwd=dW1XUWRhcXVKekIyOG9vcC9pektOUT09

Meeting ID: 880 4776 4257

Password: 968890

On the evening of May 27, several minutes before 7:00 pm, log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. The ZOOM chat function will be available during the meeting so the public may provide comments. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Planning Board Office at (845) 744-6454.

TO LISTEN TO THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you prefer to listen to the meeting, please use the dial in instructions below:

Dial-in: 1-929-436-2866         
Meeting ID: 880 4776 4257
Password: 968890

  • Time
    27 May, 2020 PM 7:00 — 27 May, 2020 PM 10:00

Planning Board Meeting

27 May, 2020 PM 7:00 — 27 May, 2020 PM 8:00   
Event summary
Public Notice
Event details




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Board of the Town of Crawford will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on May 27, 2020, at 7:00 P.M. This meeting will be held via remote conference call and/or videoconferencing, as described further below.

Based upon notices and health advisories issued by Federal, State, and Local officials related to the COVID-19 virus pandemic and Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order Numbers 202.1 and 202.10, the public is not permitted to attend the public meeting in person at the Town Hall. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and hear the remote meeting live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the Executive Orders.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes to be heard during any public hearing conducted within the remote meeting can send his or her comments (1) in advance of the meeting no later than 12:30 PM on May 27, 2020 to [email protected] or call (845) 744-6454 or (2) during the relevant portions of the remote meeting through the ZOOM videoconference meeting “Chat” function.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said meeting will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.

INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session.  You can access the ZOOM meeting as follows:


Meeting ID: 880 4776 4257

Password: 968890

On the evening of May 27, several minutes before 7:00 pm, log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. The ZOOM chat function will be available during the meeting so the public may provide comments. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Planning Board Office at (845) 744-6454.

TO LISTEN TO THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you prefer to listen to the meeting, please use the dial in instructions below:

Dial-in: 1-929-436-2866         
Meeting ID: 880 4776 4257
Password: 968890

  • Time
    27 May, 2020 PM 7:00 — 27 May, 2020 PM 8:00

Grievance Day

27 May, 2020 — 27 May, 2020   
Event details

Board of Assessment Review

Grievance Day is Wednesday, May 27, 2020.  You may file a Complaint Form (RP-524) anytime from May 1st through Grievance Day along with any supporting documentation required either by mail or our Mail Drop box located outside the front of the Town Hall, 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY in a sealed envelope labeled Assessor’s Office. 

In accordance with Executive Order 202.22 issued by the Governor of the State of New York, and due to the present COVID-19 pandemic, hearings before the Board of Assessment Review will only be held remotely by telephone conference call or similar service, by appointment only.  Please contact the Assessor’s Office at (845) 744-3721 to schedule an appointment for a hearing.  Instructions to participate in the remote hearing of the Board of Assessment Review will be provided when the appointment is made. 


RP-524 Grievance Complaint Form

RP-524 Grievance Instruction Form


Commercial Grievances are subject to the Town’s Local Law 1-2019

Commercial Grievance Complaint Form  (click link)

The petitioner (or petitioner’s representative) is required to submit to the Assessor’s Office not later than seven (7) days after filing a grievance copies of the most recent income and expense statements as per the terms and conditions outlined in the attached Local Law.

For 2020 grievances on assessment, annual income and expenses for calendar year 2018 are required. 

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to note that in the event that an income and expense statement is not filed a penalty of three percent (3%) of the assessed value will be levied against the property. 

The Section/Block/Lot must be noted on all forms.  The documentation submitted must be signed by the owner or the owner’s authorized representative.

  • Time
    27 May, 2020 — 27 May, 2020

Memorial Day - Town Hall Closed

25 May, 2020 — 25 May, 2020   
  • Time
    25 May, 2020 — 25 May, 2020
Event details



                                                AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC

                                                       NOTICE AND HEARING


BE IT RESOLVED that an introductory Local Law, entitled “Addition to Opt-Out of Real Property Tax Law §487 Exemption” be and it hereby is introduced by Supervisor Charles Carnes, before the Town Board of the Town of Crawford in the County of Orange and State of New York, and


            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of the aforesaid proposed local law be laid upon the desk of each member of the Board, and


            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board hold a public hearing on said proposed local law in the Town of Crawford, Pine Bush, New York on April 16, 2020, has been rescheduled until Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 7:15 PM.


            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk publish or cause to be published a public notice in the official newspaper of the Town of Crawford of said public hearing at least five (5) days prior thereto.


            On a motion by Supervisor Charles Carnes seconded by Councilman Michael Menendez the resolution was adopted on a vote of 4 Ayes, 0 Nays. 


            The Supervisor declared this resolution adopted. 


As authorized under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders, the public will not be permitted to attend the public meeting in person. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and participate in the hearing live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the New York State Open Meetings Law, as modified by the Executive Orders. Due to public health and safety concerns, the public will not be permitted to attend at the remote locations where the Town Board members will be situated.


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes for his or her comment to be heard during the public comment session during the remote meeting can send his or her comments in advance of the meeting to [email protected] or call 845-744-2020 by no later than 4:00 PM on May 21st, 2020. 


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said hearing will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.


INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session.  You can access the Town meeting as follows: Join Zoom Meeting



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Meeting ID:  899-2644-8668

Password: 201036


On the evening of Thursday, May 21st, 2020 several minutes before 7:00 pm log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Town Clerk’s Office 845-744-2020.   




Dated: April 23, 2020                                                









  • Time
    21 May, 2020 PM 7:15 — 21 May, 2020 PM 9:00

2021 Orange County Community Development Program Public Hearing

21 May, 2020 PM 7:15 — 21 May, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details






PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the public hearing scheduled for April 16, 2020 at 7:40 PM, has been rescheduled to Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 7:15 PM or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, a Public Hearing will be held before the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, inviting public comments and suggestions regarding projects to be considered for Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding under the Orange County Office of Community Development’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program.  Under the CDBG program a variety of projects, including, but not limited to, those listed below can potentially be eligible for funding:


  1. Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property
  2. Public Works, Public Facilities or Site Improvements
  3. Code enforcement (Health Codes)
  4. Clearance, Demolition and Rehabilitation for Public Use
  5. Special Projects for Elderly and Handicapped
  6. Provision of Public Services (Shelters, Clinics, Senior Nutrition, etc.)
  7. Payment of Non-Federal Shares of Other Grant Programs


The Town of Crawford will be considering projects to be submitted to the Orange County Community Development Office’s CDBG Entitlement Program.  The deadline for which is Friday, June 26, 2020.


As authorized under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders, the public will not be permitted to attend the public meeting in person. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and participate in the hearing live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the New York State Open Meetings Law, as modified by the Executive Orders. Due to public health and safety concerns, the public will not be permitted to attend at the remote locations where the Town Board members will be situated.


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes for his or her comment to be heard during the public comment session during the remote meeting can send his or her comments in advance of the meeting to [email protected] or call 845-744-2020 by no later than 4:00 PM on May 21st, 2020. 


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said hearing will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.


INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session.  You can access the Town meeting as follows: Join Zoom Meeting



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Meeting ID:  899-2644-8668

Password: 201036

On the evening of Thursday, May 21st, 2020 several minutes before 7:00 pm log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Town Clerk’s Office 845-744-2020.   

Dated: April 23, 2020                                                                      



  • Time
    21 May, 2020 PM 7:15 — 21 May, 2020 PM 9:00


21 May, 2020 PM 7:15 — 21 May, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details



PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Board will continue the public hearing which has been rescheduled from April 16, 2020, at 7:45 PM to May 21, 2020 at 7:15 PM on an introductory local law entitled "Farm-Related Zoning Amendments" on. The local law would authorize the Planning Board to waive the site plan public hearing requirement for farm operations, require the Planning Board to waive site plan contents deemed not necessary by the Planning Board, reduce the setback requirement for a building or structure used to house or stable animals to 100 feet from all property lines, require that those buildings and structures, barnyards, silos, barn gutters and animal pens shall be at least 100 feet from water wells, and manure piles shall be at least 200 feet from water wells, and increase the time period for action on site plan applications for non-farm operations to 62 days. With respect to farm operations located in the Town's Scenic Corridor Overlay District, as well as other locations in the Township, the Planning Board may waive the site plan public hearing requirement if the Board determines that the size, location and appearance of the proposed use or structure will not have an adverse effect on the purposes of the Scenic Corridor Overlay District as well as any other area located in the Township. A complete copy of the Introductory Local Law is available for inspection at the Clerk's Office.


All persons interested in the Introductory Local Law shall be heard.


As authorized under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders, the public will not be permitted to attend the public meeting in person. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and participate in the hearing live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the New York State Open Meetings Law, as modified by the Executive Orders. Due to public health and safety concerns, the public will not be permitted to attend at the remote locations where the Town Board members will be situated.


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes for his or her comment to be heard during the public comment session during the remote meeting can send his or her comments in advance of the meeting to [email protected] or call 845-744-2020 by no later than 4:00 PM on May 21st, 2020. 


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said hearing will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.


INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session.  You can access the Town meeting as follows: Join Zoom Meeting


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Meeting ID:  899-2644-8668

Password: 201036

On the evening of Thursday, May 21st, 2020 several minutes before 7:00 pm log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Town Clerk’s Office 845-744-2020.   


Dated: April 23, 2020                                                                       BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF CRAWFORD






PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Board will continue the public hearing which has been rescheduled from April 16, 2020, at 7:45 PM to May 7, 2020 at 7:00 PM on an introductory local law entitled "Farm-Related Zoning Amendments" on. The local law would authorize the Planning Board to waive the site plan public hearing requirement for farm operations, require the Planning Board to waive site plan contents deemed not necessary by the Planning Board, reduce the setback requirement for a building or structure used to house or stable animals to 100 feet from all property lines, require that those buildings and structures, barnyards, silos, barn gutters and animal pens shall be at least 100 feet from water wells, and manure piles shall be at least 200 feet from water wells, and increase the time period for action on site plan applications for non-farm operations to 62 days. With respect to farm operations located in the Town's Scenic Corridor Overlay District, as well as other locations in the Township, the Planning Board may waive the site plan public hearing requirement if the Board determines that the size, location and appearance of the proposed use or structure will not have an adverse effect on the purposes of the Scenic Corridor Overlay District as well as any other area located in the Township. A complete copy of the Introductory Local Law is available for inspection at the Clerk's Office.


All persons interested in the Introductory Local Law shall be heard.


As authorized under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders, the public will not be permitted to attend the public meeting in person. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and participate in the hearing live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the New York State Open Meetings Law, as modified by the Executive Orders. Due to public health and safety concerns, the public will not be permitted to attend at the remote locations where the Town Board members will be situated.


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes for his or her comment to be heard during the public comment session during the remote meeting can send his or her comments in advance of the meeting to [email protected] or call 845-744-2020 by no later than 4:00 PM on May 7th, 2020. 


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said hearing will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.


INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session.  You can access the Town meeting as follows: Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 897 2284 9693

Password: 763336

On the evening of Thursday, May 7th, 2020 several minutes before 7:00 pm log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Town Clerk’s Office 845-744-2020.   




Dated: April 14, 2020                                                 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF CRAWFORD



  • Time
    21 May, 2020 PM 7:15 — 21 May, 2020 PM 9:00


21 May, 2020 PM 7:15 — 21 May, 2020 PM 9:00   
Event details






The Town of Crawford has announced that a Public Information Meeting will be held to discuss the proposed design of sidewalks along NYS Route 302. The meeting was to be held on Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 7:20 PM has been rescheduled until Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 7:15 PM.


The purpose of the meeting is to present the proposed design for sidewalk reconstruction/ construction along NYS Route 302 at Pine Bush High School and the Town of Crawford Government Center to Stock Market Road, and to receive comments on the proposed project from individuals, groups, officials, and local agencies. This Public Information Meeting is part of the continuing efforts by the involved local, state, and federal agencies to encourage public input into the development of transportation projects.


As authorized under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders, the public will not be permitted to attend the public meeting in person. Instead, the public will have the ability to see and participate in the hearing live via the ZOOM videoconference meeting as described below, as permitted by the New York State Open Meetings Law, as modified by the Executive Orders. Due to public health and safety concerns, the public will not be permitted to attend at the remote locations where the Town Board members will be situated.


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any person who wishes for his or her comment to be heard during the public comment session during the remote meeting can send his or her comments in advance of the meeting to [email protected] or call 845-744-2020 by no later than 4:00 PM on May 21st, 2020. 


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with Executive Order 202.1, said hearing will be recorded and a transcript will be prepared at a later date, in addition to the regular meeting minutes.


INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can register, log in, and see the video and hear the audio of the live session.  You can access the Town meeting as follows: Join Zoom Meeting



After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Meeting ID:  899-2644-8668

Password: 201036

On the evening of Thursday, May 21st, 2020 several minutes before 7:00 pm log in with your electronic device. You will be placed on hold until the meeting starts. If anyone has any questions regarding the videoconference they may call the Town Clerk’s Office 845-744-2020.   


Dated: April 23, 2020                                                 



  • Time
    21 May, 2020 PM 7:15 — 21 May, 2020 PM 9:00

Town of Crawford Town Board

Mike Menendez   Jason Muehr  Angelina Jadrossich
Town Supervisor
Michael Menendez
P: (845) 744-5010
C: (845) 685-5418
F: (845) 744-3126
Council Member
Richard Mahon
P: (845) 625-3280
E: Email
Council Member
Jason Muehr
P: (267) 546-8475
E: Email
Council Member
Angelina Jadrossich
P: (845)978-4251
E: Email
Council Member
John Barth
P: (845) 800-0875
E: Email

Town of Crawford 2025 Adopted Budget: View Here
Town of Crawford 2021 Public Health Emergency Plan: View Here
Town of Crawford 2017 Final Comprehensive Master Plan: View Here




            The stated goals of the Petition for a Consolidated Town of Crawford is to establish a village with the same boundaries as the Town of Crawford in order to give the Town government greater authority, flexibility and efficiency to provide services to its residents without increasing costs by authorizing the Town government to exercise the powers of a village while continuing to operate a single government as a town.  The electorate voted to establish a new village having boundaries coterminous with the Town’s boundaries and to consolidate the new village and the Town of Crawford.

            The State Comptroller’s office (OSC) subsequently informed the Town’s attorney that such consolidation would create a single government and would not accomplish the goals of the petition and that incorporation of the village with coterminous boundaries alone accomplishes the goals of the petition.  Therefore, having established the new village having coterminous boundaries with the Town, the goals of the petition are accomplished, and proceeding with consolidation of governments would not achieve the goals of the petition.

            Since the voters approved a consolidation, the state General Municipal Law §760 requires the Town Board to prepare a consolidation plan.  In order to accomplish the goals of the  petition and the voters, the plan is to maintain the status quo of a village having coterminous boundaries with the Town of Crawford. 

            The plan, in response to each of the items set forth in General Municipal Law §760(2), is as follows:

            (a)        Governments.  The two government entities are the Town of Crawford and Village of Crawford, which, in order to achieve the goals of the petition, shall not be consolidated.

           (b)        Name of Governments.  Town of Crawford and Village of Crawford, to be known as the “Town of Crawford”.

            (c)        Rights, Duties and Obligations.  The Town/Village of Crawford will be principally operated as a town.  The Town of Crawford shall possess all the rights, powers, duties and obligations of a town, together with the rights and powers of a village.  In the case of conflict between the rights and powers of a town and a village, the Town Board may determine which shall be applicable.  If additional rights, powers or privileges are granted in the future by New York State to towns and/or villages, the Town shall have such rights and powers.

            (d)       Territorial Boundaries.  The territorial boundaries of the entities each shall be the boundaries of the Town of Crawford.

            (e)        Type and/or Class.  The type of the local government entities shall be a town and a village.

            (f)        Organization and Officials.  The Town of Crawford and Village of Crawford shall remain organized as a town and shall have the same positions for officials and employees, both elected and appointed, as the Town of Crawford.  The role of each elected official shall not change.  Officials shall possess any additional powers of corresponding village officials, with the exception that the Town Supervisor will not possess the chief executive powers of a village mayor.  If there is a conflict between the powers of a town official and corresponding village official, the Town Board shall determine which powers are applicable.

            To the extent that Town officials are required to also act as Village officials, the Town Supervisor shall act as a village mayor (except the Town Supervisor shall not have the chief executive powers of a village mayor), Town Board members shall act as Village trustees, and the Town Clerk shall act as a Village clerk.  There shall be no separate elections for village officials, except to the extent required, in which case the same person shall seek election for the town office and corresponding village office.  There is no need for a transitional plan and the schedule for elections and appointments of officials will be retained.

            (g)        Costs and Savings.    There will be minimal transition costs.  The intention is for the government to operate more efficiently and with increased powers.

            (h)        Assets. The Town’s assets are set forth in its annual report, incorporated herein by reference and publicly available in the Town Clerk’s office.  This plan will not affect Town or Village assets. 

            (i)         Liabilities and Indebtedness.    The Town’s liabilities and indebtedness are set forth in its annual report, incorporated herein by reference and publicly available in the Town Clerk’s office.  This plan will not affect Town or Village liabilities and indebtedness. 

            (j)         Terms of Disposition.  The Town will retain its assets, liabilities and indebtedness.  The Village will not have independent assets, liabilities or indebtedness.

            (k)        Laws, Rules and Regulations.  The Town’s laws, rules, regulations, orders and the like, as may be amended from time to time, shall remain in full force and effect in the Town and Village, and shall be administered and enforced accordingly.

            (l)         Effective Date of Consolidation.  In order to achieve the purposes and goals of the petition, there shall be no effective date of consolidation.

            (m)       Notice of Hearing on Plan.  A public hearing on the proposed plan shall be held on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall, Route 302, Pine Bush, New York 12566.