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Crawford Press Releases


Please find and view the most up to date news and information regarding the Town of Crawford listed below.

Effective 5:00 PM today, Friday, March 13, 2020, Supervisor Charles Carnes has declared a local State of Emergency due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19).  This is to ensure the town can apply for funding for reimbursement for the expenditures during the emergency until further notice.  It also enable us to enact further regulations as may be necessary. This does not restrict travel but we encourage everyone to take necessary precautions during this time to curb the spread of this illness.

The Senior/Community center will be closed thru March 30, 2020 and may be extended if the need arises. Town Hall will be on a regular operating schedule including Town Court's, Planning Board, Zoning Board and Town Board Meetings until further notice. As you know the Pine Bush Central School District and Valley Central School District will be closed for the next two weeks. Orange County Health Commissioner Dr. Irina Gelman noted that the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the flu and other droplet-spread viruses, continues to be to practice basic, common sense personal hygiene. This includes washing your hands frequently, not touching your face, and avoiding unnecessary contact with others. Most importantly do not go to the doctor's office, an emergency room or other healthcare facilities. Please call them for instructions. For further questions, please call the Orange County Department of Health at 845-291-2330.

If contacting the Police, Fire or any other first responder, please notify the dispatcher when you call of any health issues you may have for their protection. 

We will continuously update this site as conditions warrant.  Thank you.

Supervisor Charles Carnes