Upcoming Events

Menorah Lighting

28 Dec, 2024 PM 6:45 — 28 Dec, 2024 PM 7:30   
Event details

Menorah Lighting at Crawford Square on Main Street.

  • Time
    28 Dec, 2024 PM 6:45 — 28 Dec, 2024 PM 7:30

Town Hall Closed: Christmas

25 Dec, 2024 — 30 Dec, 2023   
Event details

Town Hall Closed: Christmas

  • Time
    25 Dec, 2024 — 30 Dec, 2023

Town Board Meeting

19 Dec, 2024 PM 7:00 — 19 Dec, 2024 PM 8:00   
Event summary
Town Board Meeting
  • Time
    19 Dec, 2024 PM 7:00 — 19 Dec, 2024 PM 8:00

Planning Board Meeting

11 Dec, 2024 PM 7:00 — 11 Dec, 2024 PM 8:00   
Event summary
Planning Board Meeting
  • Time
    11 Dec, 2024 PM 7:00 — 11 Dec, 2024 PM 8:00

Zoning Board - Public Hearing - 22-1-72.1 - 269 Stone Schoolhouse Road

04 Dec, 2024 PM 7:30 — 04 Dec, 2024 PM 7:40   
Event summary
Zoning Board - Public Hearing - 22-1-72.1 - 269 Stone Schoolhouse Road
Event details

121 Route 302
Pine Bush, NY
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Crawford will hold a public hearing on the application for area variances for front yard setbacks for existing structures on Lot #6 located at the property at 269 Stone Schoolhouse Rd., designated as 22-1-72.1 on the Tax Map of the Town of Crawford in the “I” Zoning District, owned by 269 Shawanga Valley LLC. Said hearing will take place on December 4, 2024, at 7:30 P.M. at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY.
For the Zoning Board of Appeals
Bruce Schwope, Chairman

  • Time
    04 Dec, 2024 PM 7:30 — 04 Dec, 2024 PM 7:40

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting

04 Dec, 2024 PM 7:30 — 04 Dec, 2024 PM 8:30   
Event summary
Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
  • Time
    04 Dec, 2024 PM 7:30 — 04 Dec, 2024 PM 8:30

12-04-2024 OC DMV Mobile

04 Dec, 2024 AM 10:00 — 04 Dec, 2024 PM 3:30   
  • Time
    04 Dec, 2024 AM 10:00 — 04 Dec, 2024 PM 3:30

Crawford Press Releases


Please find and view the most up to date news and information regarding the Town of Crawford listed below.




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Crawford invites sealed bids on the 2024 TOWN OF CRAWFORD PARK MOWING BID for the Town Parks located at 19 Red Mills Road, Pine Bush, New York 12566 and 612 Lybolt Road, Bullville, New York 10915.

Sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk until 11:00 AM on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at which time all sealed bids will be opened.  Bid specifications may be obtained from the Town Clerk at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 845-744-2020.


Jessica M. Kempter

Town Clerk




Town of Crawford

County of Orange

State of New York

121 State Route 302
Pine Bush, NY  12566

Town Board Meeting

Schedule for 2024

Third Thursday of the Month – 7:00 PM

January 2 – Re-org

January 18

February 15

March 21

April 18

May 16

June 20

July 18

August 15

September 19

October 17

November 21

December 19



Jessica M. Kempter

Town Clerk

Dated:  January 2, 2024

Taxes will be collected in person (See hours of collection below) at Town Hall or can be mailed to Town of Crawford Tax Collector at 121 Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566. CASH, CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS ACCEPTED AS PAYMENT. Postmark date is accepted on mail.

*****Payment in cash must be in exact amount only. ***** Check payments must include Homeowners Phone Number & Address. No payments will be accepted after April 1, 2024. After April 1, 2024, you need to call the Orange County Commissioner of Finance for payment & penalty information at (845) 291-2480.

Hours of Collection

Monday through Friday - 8:30 AM to 1:00PM & 2:00PM to 4:00 PM (Closed between 1:00PM & 2:00PM for lunch)

Monday, Thursday and Friday Only - 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM

MARCH 2024
Tuesday and Friday Only - 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM

APRIL 1ST 2024 - Only - 8:30 AM to 1:00PM & 2:00PM to 4:00 PM (Closed between 1:00PM & 2:00PM for lunch)

Bills can be viewed from any computer by going online at: www.egov.basny.com/crawford

Payments made to the County will not be posted on this website.






PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that there has been introduced before the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, New York, on December 21, 2023, a local law, titled Rezoning A Portion Of Tax Parcel 25-1-41 To Business Park Zoning District,” which local law would rezone the portion of property identified as Tax Map No. 25-1-41, located at 2416 State Route 17K, that is currently zoned in the RA (Residence/Agriculture) zoning district to the BP (Business Park) zoning district. The property owner/developer has committed to maintain as open space the portions of the property that abut adjoining lands zoned in the RA (Residence/Agriculture) zoning district.

A complete copy of the Introductory Local Law is available for inspection at the Clerk's Office.

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Section 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, the Town Board of the Town of Crawford, New York, will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law on January 18, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter, at the Town Hall, 121 Route 32, Pine Bush, New York, 12566 at which time all persons interested therein shall be heard.

The Town of Crawford will make every effort to assure that the hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone requiring special assistance and/or reasonable accommodations should contact the Town Clerk.

Dated: December 22, 2023








            PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Crawford Town Board will hold a Re-

Organizational Meeting, Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 6:45 am at the Town Hall, 121 Route

302, Pine Bush, New York.

                                                                                                FOR THE TOWN BOARD

                                                                                                TOWN OF CRAWFORD

                                                                                                Jessica M. Kempter

                                                                                                Town Clerk 

Dated:  December 21, 2023

Coterminous Town-Village Information

Hello Town of Crawford Residents,

Many of you signed a petition to form a coterminous town-village in the Town of Crawford. The Town Board has approved this petition, and we are asking registered voters to vote on this referendum on December 12, 2023, between 8am and 9pm at the Crawford Community Center, 115 St. Rt 302, Pine Bush. We believe this move is in keeping with the Master Plan formed in 2014 and adopted on May 18, 2017. At that time, town residents, business owners, town officials and others came together to form a comprehensive plan for the Town of Crawford. Surveys were sent out to all residents, and public Community Visioning sessions were held to determine what we all wanted for our town. Part of the Mission Statement that was formulated included the following:

We pledge to work in partnership with our residents to foster community pride, to develop a vibrant, diversified economy, to plan for the future, to support the health and well-being of all residents and to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of our environment through strong relationships between residents, the Town, businesses, educators, non-profits, and our faith-based community. The Town of Crawford will facilitate a forward-looking, people-friendly community that champions our community’s diversity and results in a better place to live, work, play and raise families.

We believe that forming a coterminous town-village strongly supports the vision of Town of Crawford’s future that we all shared. Many of you have asked questions about what this actually means for our town and residents. We hope the following information answers these questions for you.

What is the petition asking for? The petition is a request by Town residents to transform Crawford from a town to a consolidated or coterminous town-village. Coterminous means having a shared border. The new village would take up the Town of Crawford entirely. This means that no other villages could be formed within our town. At the time of this writing, this is still possible. The residents who signed the petition want to keep the Town of Crawford as it is, without any other villages being formed within our town limits.

What would happen if another village were formed within the Town of Crawford? If another village were formed within the Town of Crawford, they could form their own municipal government, enact their own laws, and create their own highway department and ambulance services. This could, and probably would, result in additional expenses and overlapping taxes for Town of Crawford residents.

If the petition passes, will it prevent other villages being formed within the Town of Crawford? Yes, if the petition passes, it will prevent other villages being created within Town of Crawford borders. We would form a coterminous village which means the village would be the exact same size as the Town of Crawford with the same borders. We would then immediately form the village back into a town called the Consolidated Town of Crawford, but we expect that it will informally continue to be referred to as the Town of Crawford.

Why would we transform the village to a town? Reverting back to a town format would enable us to keep everything in town exactly the way it is: the same highway department, ambulance services, utilities and water service, Town Board, Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and Tax Collector format. It would be the same Town of Crawford we now know, only now we can be sure that no other villages will be formed within our borders.

When do we vote on this proposal? On December 12th, you will have the opportunity to vote on this proposal. It will be a “combined referendum,” because it will ask you to vote on two things: (1) forming a coterminous (sharing the same boundaries with the Town of Crawford) village and (2) transforming that village back into a town.

What exactly will we be voting on? Two yes/no questions will be posed to eligible voters as follows:

  1. Should the Village of Crawford be incorporated pursuant to the elector-initiated petition? NEED TO VOTE YES TO PASS
  2. Should the newly-incorporated Village of Crawford be immediately consolidated with the existing Town of Crawford to create the Town-Village of Crawford? NEED TO VOTE YES TO PASS

Why should I vote yes for each referendum? The existence of a village prevents other villages from incorporating within the same borders. The creation of a town-village within the Town of Crawford’s existing borders will prevent any other villages from incorporating in the Town of Crawford.

What happens if I vote yes to one referendum and no to the other? If you vote yes to one referendum and no to the other, your vote will count as a NO. In order for your vote to count as a YES, you need to vote yes to both items in the referendum: (1) yes to forming a coterminous village and (2) yes to transforming that village to a consolidated town.

What changes will be made to the existing Town Board and Supervisor powers if the petition passes? No changes will be made. The Town Supervisor and each Town Board member will retain the same abilities.

Will there be any extra steps or changes in the process of applying for building permits? No, the procedure will not cause any extra steps or changes in the building-permit application process.

Will there be any changes in our current zoning laws?

No, the procedure itself will not cause any changes to the current zoning laws.

Will this change result in any type of new taxes for the new town-village? No, there will be no impact on taxes for the new town-village.

Will it be necessary to re-assess all the properties in the new town-village? No, there is no need to impose a reassessment of properties within the new town-village.

Will this in any way affect our current school district boundaries? No, the school district boundaries are not affected by this procedure.

What is required for this petition to pass? In order for the petition to pass, a majority of residents have to vote yes to BOTH items in the referendum.

What happens if the petition doesn’t pass? If either referendum fails, the reorganization will not take place, and the process cannot be reinitiated for at least four years. During that time, other villages could be formed within the Town of Crawford. This is why it’s important to vote yes to both items so that we will become a consolidated town and no other villages can be formed within our borders.

Are absentee ballots permitted? Absentee ballots are prohibited for incorporation referendums, so they would not be allowed in this vote.

The Town Supervisor and Town Board strongly encourage all to vote yes to both questions in the dual-referendum to keep our town whole and undivided. If you have any questions or concerns about this vote, feel free to stop in to Town Hall and see the Town Supervisor or Town Clerk or call 845-744-2020.

Pine Bush Fire Hosue Annual Election 2023.jpg

Pine Bush Fire District - Annual Election 2023 - 12/12/2023

Bullville Fire House Annual Election 2023.jpg

Bullville Fire District - Annual Election - 12/12/2023




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on December 12, 2023, a combined election (also called a referendum) will be held at which the registered voters of the Town of Crawford are entitled to vote to determine whether the following referendum measures are approved or rejected:

Shall the Village of Crawford Be Incorporated Pursuant to the Elector-Initiated Petition?

Shall the Newly Incorporated Village of Crawford Be Simultaneously Consolidated With the Existing Town of Crawford To Create the Consolidated Town of Crawford Pursuant to the Elector-Initiated Petition?

The Elector-Initiated Petition states that its purpose is to consolidate the Town with a Village to be incorporated to give the Town greater flexibility and authority to provide services to its residents, and to allow greater economy and efficiency, while protecting against the wasteful proliferation of overlapping governments by authorizing the Town to exercise the powers of a village while continuing to operate as a town. The Petition is a combined petition as it seeks to form a village only with the simultaneous consolidation with the Town of Crawford. Non-consolidation would defeat the purpose of the Petition by creating an overlapping and redundant government. Because a single government will continue to exist if the referendum is approved, the Petition states that consolidation will prevent future financial burdens to the Town and its taxpayers that would occur if a new government were incorporated without consolidation.

If the referendum is approved, the incorporated village will be known as the Village of Crawford, having the same boundaries as the Town of Crawford, which will be simultaneously consolidated with the existing Town of Crawford to form the Consolidated Town of Crawford, which will have the same boundaries as the existing Town of Crawford.

The referendum election will be held on December 12, 2023, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM, at the Town of Crawford Senior and Community Center, 115 State Route 302, Pine Bush, New York 12566.

The Combined Petition for a Consolidated Town of Crawford may be examined at the Town Clerk’s office, Town Hall, 121 State Route 302, Pine Bush, New York 12566, during normal business hours. The Town Clerk may be contacted by email at [email protected] or telephone (845) 744-2020. Frequently Asked Questions and other information is also available on the Town’s website at www.townofcrawford.org.

Dated: November 16, 2023